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1.1: Meet Sage

1.2: Meet Kai

1.3: Meet the Dynamos

1.4: Kai & Sage in School

1.5: GoPractice!

1: Introduction

2.1: Meet Spammy

2.2: The Spammy Cycle

2.3: Sage’s Cycle in Action

2.4: Kai’s Cycle in Action

2.5: The Brain on Spam

2.6: DeZing Brain Spam

2.7: GoPractice!

2: Spammy’s World

3.1: You Are Not Alone

3.2: Motivate with METTA

3.3: Codify for Spam

3.4: Know Your Sparks

3.5: Progressor Plan

3.6: GoPractice!

3: Preparation

4.1: Hackify Brain Spam

4.2: Hackify Subscriptions

4.3: The Anti-Rules

4.4: Hackify Safety Seal

4.5: Plunges

4.6: Imagination Advantage

4.7: Double-M Progressor

4.8: GoPractice!

4: GoHackify!

5.1: Kai Overrides

5.2: Sage Deactivates

5.3: Kai Embraces

5.4: CODE Masters

5.5: GoPractice!

5: CODE in Action

CODE Masters

Codify for Spam

DeZing Brain Spam

Double-M Progressor