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1.1: Nelly’s reminders

1.2: Tomas walks to school

1.3: Mr. Diddlydoo’s cat

1.4: Why do we worry?

1.5: Meet Til and Widdle

1.6: GoPractice!

1: What is Worry?

2.1: Widdle takes over

2.2: Worry isn’t scary

2.3: Slow Widdle down

2.4: 4-7-8 Breathing!

2.5: GoPractice!

2: Worry Affects your Body

3.1: How to avoid avoiding

3.2: What Iffing is Til’s job

3.3: Watch out for ThoughtHoles!

3.4: GoPractice!

3: Worry Affects your Thinking

A breathing strategy to help students with anxiety

4-7-8 Breathing

ScienceGuy walks the class through a classic breathing exercise

4.1: Gigantifying

4.2: Leapfrogging

4.3: Keyholing

4.4: Moodeasoning

4.5: Extremifying

4.6: GoPractice!

4: Watch out for ThoughtHoles!

5.1: 5Cs intro

5.2: GoTools! for the 5Cs

5.3: Nelly uses GoCatch!

5.4: GoCheck! GoCollect!

5.5: GoChallenge! GoChange!

5.6: Mr. Diddlydoo & the 5Cs

5.7: The 5Cs Song

5.8: GoPractice!

5: The 5Cs Technique

5Cs Process Posters

5Cs Song

6.1: The GoList!

6.2: Tomas’s Success

6.3: Nelly’s Success